Tony Henninger
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Tony Henninger
This is Tony Henninger's second book of poetry published by Inner Child Press. His first book, “ A Journey of Love”, was published in 2013. He has been published in several anthologies, most notably the “Year of the Poet 2014” and 2015. This is a monthly anthology in which he and several other authors publish their poetry throughout the year.
Tony Henninger resides in West-Texas where he is the current president of the Permian Basin Poetry Society.
For most of my life, I have questioned everything. From the simple things I thought odd to the grandiose things such as “why am I here.” Intellectually I am a non-conformist for I will always question things no matter whether religious, scientific, or philosophical. What I did find is that life is larger than me. The “I” that I had placed so much importance on, is very small in the scheme of things when I realized there is a vast universe inside of me to discover and explore. My thoughts began to range from depression to euphoric wonderment at what I found there.
These poems are a small insight into the journey of my “self” and the path to truth we all seek. Everyone is on a path, a journey home. This life is only a stepping stone along the way. I have never believed that this is all there is. There is so much more to learn and to discover, so many more questions to be answered, one life is simply not enough. Even Jesus told us there is more to life, but that we must learn to embrace who we are. With the gift of free will, the choices we make give us the lessons we must learn along our paths. I don't claim to be a wise man, a deep philosophical thinker, nor a devout religious person, rather a lover of Love. For me, in the end, Love IS all there is.
These poems are about my experiences, thoughts, feelings, and dreams. If my poetry moves you, or causes you to ponder your own path and life, then I am humbled and blessed to have touched someone with my writing. To some it may just be poetry, perhaps not even good poetry. Be that as it may, I thank you for your interest and may your life be blessed.
Thank you, sincerely
Tony Henninger
$ 17.95

For my wife, Deanne,
I love you, forever!
01 i'd just bill.mp3