Anwar Salman

Anwar Salman
About the Author
Anwar Nayef Salman is a distinguished Lebanese modern poet who is considered to be one of the pioneers of Al-Shamiyah [the Levantine] school, a trend in Arabic poetry that focused on the esthetic aspects of the poem, with emphasis on visual and auditory imagery.
Salman was born in Ramlieh, a village in Aley district, in 1938. In 1956 he graduated from The Universal College in Aley. That same year he won Maroun Abboud Award for poetry. He spent the early years of his career working as a teacher. During that period, he made his debut with a poetry collection titled To Her (1959). A few years later he worked for an organization specialized in producing music and song recordings as well as cultural and social programs for Lebanese and Arab radio stations. He also dabbled in journalism, becoming the editing manager of Meshwar magazine. Afterwards, he was employed by the Lebanese Ministry of Culture and Higher Education as a Cultural Consultant for Cinema, Theater, and Fares.
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