Husam Issa Ramadan
Now Available

About Husam Issa Ramadan
Husam Issa Ramadan was born in 1990 in the Tell Village of Palestine. He holds a Ph.D. degree in English Studies from The Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany. Ramadan is a lecturer for the M.A. Program for Applied Linguistics and Translation at the An-Najah National University in Palestine.
Ramadan is a novelist, short story writer, and translator. He has one novel in Arabic to his credit – Coma which is in the process of being translated into English. He was awarded four prizes for his short stories from different cultural institutions in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Mauritania and Egypt. He has edited Show Us Your Face, Handala! – a collection of Palestinian poems in English. He has also compiled a large project that resulted in an open-ended online database which is constantly updated. This work details the ways in which Palestinian literary titles have been translated into English from 1948 on to present. Another project he has conducted has been transformed into a book, pending publication under the title of Post-Nakba Translation: Advocacy through Literary Translation. This volume gives an overarching overview of the development of Palestinian literature before and after the Nakba, in Arabic language and in English translation.
Through his compilation of the digital catalogue, Ramadan has at his disposal an extraordinary network of writers and translators within and outside Palestine. Together with his M.A. students, he has been translating a large number of Palestinian short stories into English, suggesting that literature and translation are two faces of the same coin; both are political and cultural agents that give the reader the chance to profoundly excavate the Palestinian point-of-view. These translations are being collected in a book that will be published in the near future.
Husam is currently the Project Manager of Sprachschule Deutsch-richtig in Ludwigsburg, Germany.