Robert J. Neal

Robert J. Neal

about the Author
A writer of 22 years, Robert spends much time outdoors taking pictures and praying. His goal through poetry is to make people smile every day.
Robert enjoys spending time with his Wife, watching in amazement as God blesses them both.
God and Nature was born from within a desire to photograph the intricacies and beauties I see in His creation. As I began to take photos and share them with friends, the poet in me was stirred and I started to intermingle the two gifts. I found this to be another avenue of growth and change for me, and a deepening took place. I have put this book together at the request of my fans. My desire is to get you to truly look at nature and see God’s presence within it. I hope you will not just see his presence, but feel it and give God the glory for his creation.
Robert J. Neal

12 Forgiveness.mp3