Alicia C. Cooper

Alicia C. Cooper
I am a mother of three wonderful children that I adore. I was born and raised in Texas but I currently reside in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia.
I work in the flashy world of IT but writing is and has been my favorite thing to do for most of my life. I began writing poetry and short stories over two decades ago as a teen but put my pen away for many years to raise a family and pursue a career. I continued writing in a non-creative capacity for my employers and I write resumes and cover letters as part of a side venture providing career services.
Writing creatively is where I release my fire; it is my therapy. In late summer of 2012, several life events occurred that made my life slow down dramatically. In fact, life as I knew it basically stopped. I knew that I had to be still because everything I tried to do to recover the unfulfilling life I had been living, failed. I had no choice but to quiet the noise and slow down, and one quiet morning after a good long cry, I found my pen and wrote my first poem in twenty years titled, “The Light Walk”. I felt lifted for the first time in a while and I reluctantly decided to share the poem on a social media site. I was very pleased when it was immediately well-received and shared extensively. Others could identify. They were also in that "still" mode and it was a relief for them to know that they were not alone. Since that time, I have written many other works which have been “featured” and highlighted as “recommended reads” on writing and poetry forums, websites, and a magazine.

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