Now Available
Love Wise

Preface for Jill Delbridge
Within these pages you will experience the ups and downs of my life, every life, in fact. My ability to get through it all has been simple, love is the answer to every question. At a tender age. I became aware of the healing power of words. Penning a poem for my Aunt who suffered from depression. I wrote a poem about nature and all its simplistic glory. When I gave it to my Aunt she beamed in joy and encouraged me to write more. That simple poem hung on her refrigerator and it remained there until her homecoming.
I have reverence for all of God's creation; human, animal, nature, and the elements. I attempt to breathe life into them through my poetry. Surmounting obstacles, building bridges and the promise of possibilities are throughout my poetry. My poems speak of life's tribulations and blessings and how I embrace them, one in the same. Balance and duality of life, maintains gratitude and humility. Please enjoy the offerings that I bestow upon you within the pages of this book.
Peace , ONE Love, Light and Blessings
Jill Delbridge

Jill Delbridge, wife, mother and friend, a woman of God. Jill is a phoenix full of wealth and knowledge; she is that shared moment to fill your soul, if you have followed her you know of the many achievements garnish by her outgoing spirit and open heart, if this is your first view of Jill welcome to this life moment.
Jill is the founder and creator of The Artist Lounge, a place where artist of all genre are welcome, Jill has brought this same love to The Artist Lounge Radio Show, Jill is also a social advocate of truth and justice, working to help others when that extra hand is needed. Jill is a beckon of thought well verse in her writings as an artist; Jill has shared moments from her pen to fill your imagination that may transcend your thought to enlightenment.
Samuel Benjamin
07 Secret Dream.mp3

I have had the utmost pleasure in not only calling Jill Delbridge a friend, but a very close one, more like a Sister to me. There is not enough space or the proper words to capture her essence in a Foreword. The Multi-Faceted, Jill Delbridge is a beautiful and extremely talented lady that has taken many young writers under her gentle wings and mentored them gracefully. She is a natural Giver and to know her, is to love her.
As for her own writing, it is thoughtful, deep and laden with profound messages that the readers may apply to their own lives as well as a feeling of familiarity as she lets you into her world.
Whether she is writing about the plight of the Home-less, Racism or a Lovers quarrel, Ms. Delbridge has the natural ability to not only paint a vivid picture so that we may see but she captures all five senses in the reader. Her style may be considered by some, as Eclectic and I'd like to add that her use of Metaphors is strong and her vocabulary is prolific.
In her poem: “A Kiss From A Rose”, the use of metaphors is brilliant. I love these lines . . .
“Mid-Night ebony Rose
Wooed and embraced
An ivory Stargazing
Lily of the Valley”
and since I know what the poem is about, it makes perfect sense to me. For you, the reader, it can mean many things, which is nice, I love poetry that is open to interpretation.
I assure the journey is well worth the purchase to literally be captivated for glorious hours, as this book is a page turner. You will not want to put it down and I assure you the pages will become dog-eared as you go back time and time again to your favorite passages. Kick your shoes off and enjoy, you will experience something close to Nirvana as you explore the depths of Jill's soul.
Janet Caldwell