Nataša Sardžoska
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Nataša Sardžoska, Macedonian poet, essayist, writer, literary translator and interpreter (FR, IT, ES, EN, PT, HR, CA), event manager, anthropologist and researcher was born in Skopje in Macedonia on 16.11.1979. She has lived and created her art in many European cities, including Milan, Lisbon, Paris, Brussels and Stuttgart. She holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and University of Bergamo, having worked on exiled artists from the former Yugoslavian war, among which David Albahari, Slavenka Drakulic and Tanja Ostojic comprise a few. She is currently an Affiliated Researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies of South East Europe in Rijeka, Croatia and an Assistant professor at the Institute for Anthropology and Ethnology at the Ss. Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje, Macedonia. For her academic work, she collaborates with Radio Koper in Slovenia. She has taught at the Schiller International University in Heidelberg and at the South East European University, Max Van Der Stoel.
03 Summer's End.mp3