Mario Rigli
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Mario Rigli
about the Author . . .
Mario Rigli is a poet, painter, sculptor, writer, and translator. He was born July 7, 1949 in Terranuova Bracciolini, a small village in Tuscany. His first literary work, Laurine, a book of tales, was published in 1985. His poetry collection, Imaginary Nectar, was published in 1995. A second poetry collection he has co-authored with his son Philip, A Ticket To Hell, was released in 1998.
Mario’s poems have been translated into several languages, including English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Pangasinan, Portuguese, Macedonian, Russian and German. In 2011, many of his poems were translated into Hindi by the Indian translator, Vijaya Kandpal, and in 2013 a poetry collection, Fragments of the Moon, was translated into Arabic by Nizar Sartawi, and published in Jordan. The author was also included in The Second Genesis (2014), published in India. The author himself has under his name extensive Italian translations of Arabic poetry, including Munir Mezyed’s The Grapes of the Vine of Heaven (2011).
Over the span of his years, the author has participated with his literary work in a large number of poetry readings, one of the most recent being the International Poetry Festival that was held in Rabat in October, 2016. Also as a painter and sculptor, he has taken active part in copious exhibitions. In 2017, a showing was held in the hall of the City Council of Terranuova Bracciolini to house the paintings, sculptures, literary work and music he had created over forty years. In November of 2017, also his album, Poesie in Musica, was released to which Fabio Martoglio contributed as the lyricist, manager and singer.