Lonneice Weeks - Badley
Now Available

about the Author
Lonneice M. Weeks-Badley was born on November 6, to Oliver and Margaret in Harlem Hospital, Manhattan New York. She now resides in Virginia and is a mother of two daughters, the proud grandmother of three grandsons and one humble sweet loving granddaughter and has her heart captured by the lovely smiles of one great granddaughter.
Weeks-Badley graduated from Essex College of Business, having also attended Essex County College for Business Administration. She received various certificates of recognition for completing the Christian Bible Training. Having attained her Associate Ministerial License on January 7, 2004, she has also been recognized and acknowledged by the Gospel Alliance Ministry in 2013 with her General License Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Presently, the author volunteers as a chaplain, minister, intercessor of the Lord; she writes, is an entrepreneur, and the owner of Rajahne’s Gifted Hands at Work Abundance of Unique`Nes / Inspired Books. She lives in humble appreciation of the blessings the Lord has given to her to use her for His glory. It would be most appropriate to conclude her book with her own words on the gifts for which she expresses her thanks daily:
God is the love of my life and I serve Him with all my heart and soul. I surrender all of me to him. I love to evangelize and be saved to be a soul winner, as I help direct the lost ones to the Lord. The Breath (Holy Spirit) of the Highest God lives in my deepest being and I love and respect the Lord, looking up to Him always.

Our loving and providing God
Those born poor but are rich in the heart helping the less fortunate.
My desire is to help remove the darkness form the eyes of so many who know not our root provider.
Now Available
$ 12.95

On March 8th 2014, I was in the midst of my meditation with the Lord and I heard these words: “The Evils of Greed is Not Your Root.” Upon that, I wrote it all down because I learned to be obedient to the voice of the Lord. I was then led to the following scripture verse in the book of 1 Timothy 6:10:
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
I hope you will read all the chapters of this book for clarity. Enjoy…
Lonneice Weeks-Badley
11 Heaven [Heavenly Dub].mp3