Chukwu John David
Now Available

Chukwu John David is a young creative writer from Abakaliki town in Ebonyi State of Nigeria, West Africa. He was born on the 10th of October 1996, and he started writing and weaving quality stories at the age of nine. He has since then, written many short stories and numerous flash fictions.
David believes that everyone has got a unique purpose to discover, develop, and deploy. He is so conscious about the future which he claims to have seen many beautiful things in. David is an inspiration to many people; he is a voracious reader, and his love for reading founded the Greedy Readers Forum. He is a young writer who dislikes giving up on positive dreams, and this has presented him exceptional to his fans and lovers from around the globe.
Because he writes original work to express, inform, and enlighten; he has written for many anthologies and magazines including SYNW anthology 2014, Prose and Poetry Hood, Black Boy Review, Lunaris Review, Tuck Magazine, Gnosis Magazine, Literary Temple Magazine, Whykro, among others. In 2015, Black Pride Magazine ranked and nominated him the Number-First top five prose writer that rocked the year. Also in 2015, MLF nominated and gave him the recognition of The Literature Revelation of the Year 2015. His worldwide read short story ONE WINTER IN GEORGIA was first published in English in Canada and has been translated and published in Polish language by Pocisk Magazine. He lives in The Republic of Georgia, and he is currently working on his second book, a book he believes to have greater value and positive impact.

African Dark Light is a mythological story of a clan in the Ibo tribe of South-Eastern Nigeria. The book tells the story of Ikemefuna who cleaves to the post of chief priest in Arochukwu clan and then makes sure to his best to keep the tradition as stipulated by the gods. Ikemefuna, after endowing Arochukwu to win the ferocious war that claims many innocent lives against the clan of Nri, sells Iwu – Ogbuefi Anyanku’s son as a slave. Many years after Iwu is sold, Iwu returns to Arochukwu clan with the European Missionaries whom the people of Arochukwu call the People of another Body, and refuse to accept the new religion of the European Missionaries called Christianity.
Some moons after Arochukwu wins the ferocious war against the clan of Nri, the European Missionaries have begun converting souls to the new Christian Faith. Many of the law makers join and accept the new religion while others refuse to accept the new religion, saying that they do not know where aliens who have another body and serve a different unseen god have come to stipulate and establish a strange religion in the clan.
see the Book for more of this epic Novel
01 Sala Keba [From Emotion].mp3