Eric 'King Judah' Hawkins

Eric ‘King Judah’ Hawkins
Being raised in a Christian home has brought to light many of the thoughts that I process to become a writer. I am not just a Poet but a Story-Teller of life with love, forgiveness and romance. I am the last child of six children. I could not imagine the fullness of the circle life has gifted me with, being a writer for just 5 years.
poetry group, The Inner Circle Fresh Thoughts, was birthed through a group
called The Circle of Trust. We started with just 12 people. The group was established for young
writers who did not believe that their poems were good enough for anyone to
read. The remaining Poets and friends that stayed with us as we moved ahead, they include, Spanish Huggz, Swain Felder, Lisa Felder, & Rovenna Precious Dove
Martin who all are wonderful Writers and Poets with much to say.
As we thrust forward there have been many exciting things that have taken place. Having so many exiting writers and new becoming Authors in the group has made our hearts burn with love. There have been many discouragers but there have many more encouragers. I may not name everyone that has helped in setting a solid foundation for us but I want to recognize these Kings and Queens.
01 Dream.mp3

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