Kimberly Burnham, PhD

Kimberly Burnham, PhD

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Burnham, Kimberly (2014) Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open Print Final.pdf Size : 716.678 Kb Type : pdf |
Kimberly Burnham, PhD
The Nerve Whisperer
Integrative Medicine
As a 28 year old photographer and journalist, Kimberly Burnham appreciated beauty. Then an ophthalmologist diagnosed her with keratoconus, a genetic eye condition saying, "You need to consider what your life will be like if you become blind." With those devastating words trickling down into her soul, she found a healing path and appreciates each day with insight and vision.
Today, a brain health expert, Kimberly wants to help people experience their environment in rich and exciting ways. Her PhD in Integrative Medicine and extensive training in Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki, Acupressure, Integrative Manual Therapy, and Matrix Energetics enable her to serve as a catalyst in gently shifting one's ability to feel better physically, think more clearly, and be more creative. Kim has authored books on Parkinson's disease, Huntington's ataxia, insomnia, Multiple Sclerosis, Our Fractal Nature and more.
"People who feel better, make better choices for themselves, their community and our world."
Building on the Poetry Posse's inaugural year, Kimberly continues her monthly play with words in Year of the Poet. She has contributed to other Inner Child Press offerings including, World Healing, World Peace; Hot Summer Nights Trilogy; and Healing Through Words.
An award winning poet, she won SageUSA's 2013 Story Contest with a poem about Hazon's CrossUSA bicycle ride. This poem and others appear in The Journey Home about her 3000 adventure. Kim's first poetry collection is Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open. Kim also rose to the challenge of the Tiferet Journal's Poem-A-Thon writing 30 poems in 30 days in April, 2015.
In her practice, Kimberly shares symbolic and sensory aspects of poetry with her clients to eliminate subconscious blocks and promote healing energies. She creates guided imagery for children from babies to grandpas and uses her hands-on skills with special needs kids, people with brain injuries, and genetic conditions.
"What are you saying as every cell in your body listens?"
With business and marketing clients, Kimberly crafts poetic words distilling messages into brands that engage the world. A social media expert, she strips away grammar rules, punctuations, superfluous words, and helps with brainstorming the clearest and most effective message into a well written 1000 word Q&A blog on LinkedIn or into a 140 character Tweet.
Kim co-owns Creating Calm Network Publishing Group with Ann J. White.
"Life Mission: Change the face of brain health. Talk and touch so we each share in magnificence as we move gracefully and powerfully in community."
She has a weekly column on Spokane FAVs, an interfaith exploration of life and spirituality. With Elizabeth W. Goldstein, Kim co-edited an anthology, Music, Carrier of Intention in 49 Jewish Prayers, published by Creating Calm Network Publishing Group. This rich and diverse look at the very heart of the Jewish community includes several of her poems and essays. Kimberly lives in Spokane, Washington with her partner, Elizabeth.
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