01 Dream.mp3
Irena Jovanović
Irena Jovanović
Irena Jovanović was born in 1971 in Zaječar, Serbia. She studied drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture and design at The Faculty of Applied Arts and Design in Belgrade, Serbia; Master Level. She has had many solo and collective exhibitions in her country. Irena has been writing poetry in Serbian for many years, but now she also is writing in English, in order to express and transfer her spiritual cognitions, emotions and ideas into the language which all the world now uses for communication. This is her first book of poems in English. Her poems were published in E-format at Carty's Poetry Journal in issues VIII and IX. She also maintains her FaceBook page and group where she shares her Poetry in English.
Irena lives in Zaječar, Serbia, where she works in her Art Studio.
01 Dream.mp3