Selling your Book ~ The Passive vs. The Proactive
Selling your Book
The Passive vs. The Proactive
If you are like myself and most Authors, we feel a great sense of accomplishment just because we have a Book in Print with our name on it or in it. Books do sell ! There are the “trickle” sales and there is something quite different and dynamic . . . . and of course there is a wide expanse of experience in between the two. This leads to our sub title of this article “The Passive vs. The Proactive”.
First let us examine this simple question . . . “Why did you Author a Book?”. We must be honest with our selves about this topic, for in the answering perhaps you will get a glimpse of your perspective and position about your Book Sales. Many of us do vie for the notoriety, success and various other accolades that goes with the imaginings of selling volumes of books, and that is fine. Usually like most other dreams in our lives, our visions are based upon things and other factors that do not lend themselves back to any particular reality. I know this is a somewhat harsh truth, but at some point in our personal lives as well as our professional careers we must face this dynamic of “what am i willing to do to achieve my objective. This is the core emphasis of this article, “the Passive vs. The Proactive”.
If you have ever had the opportunity to speak with or read the story of any best selling Author, you realize that their success did not come of it’s own volition. It did not happen because they announced to the world a few times “You can find me on AMAZON”, or “My new Book is out”. It also does not happen because you post your Book Cover and Links intermittently on FaceBook. Selling Books is a lot of work! It takes a bit more . . . NO a lot more commitment than writing does ! Most Authors in my experience do have the Zeal necessary to succeed . . . in the beginning when they are so “Amped” up, then something happens which should be examined individually and collectively as a writing community. It is easy to find the reasons as to why our book is not selling. Simply ask your self some of the following questions.
1 What is my realistic Objective ?
2 What is my Plan to achieve this objective . . . Daily, Monthly and Annually ?
3 What “Centers of Influence” have i established to assist me in achieving this end ?
There are some things we can do to assist us in our objectives for those who are willing to make the careful, considerate analysis required.
1 As mentioned above, Network with people who can assist your objective . . .”Centers of Influence” we can also do voluntary readings and Book Signings.
2 We can donate our book to the Local Libraries and other organizations who are willing to give our books prominence on their shelves or counters.
3 We must also be diligent in letting the world know that we do have a Book for sale and where it may be purchased.
4 Note: always put your prospective buyer in a decision position to say either Yea or Nay. In other words, if you say “you can find me on AMAZON”, chances are i am not going to look! If you provide me a link that takes me directly to the “Point of Purchase” there is at least a 50 / 50 chance.
5 Another way of achieving this end of keeping your product in the faces of the people is to do regular mailings (E-Mail) and share excerpts from your Book.
6 Work at targeting your audience . . .get them excited . . explain to me why i need to buy your book. Or you may also opt to having someone do this for you like a Publicist or Agent . . . they charge for their services. Nothing In . . .Nothing Out !
7 Do you have a BLOG or Web Site ? Why Not? . . and you want to sell books ?
8 There are many tools available on the world Wide web to assist you in your Book Promotions such as FaceBook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Goodreads,Yahoo and the AMAZON Author Pages. This is just to name a few.
9 And Finally . . .Read and Research where the opportunities are. Google Search is a great Tool to seek on. Ask the questions and it will find the answers.
10 PS Wikapedia is FREE !!! . . . establish yourself an account and a page . . . like why not . . you could be the next Dr. Wayne Dyer or Paul Coelho waiting to awaken . . . if you wish to sell books, think of your self as famous already, believe that your words are worthy of being read by the world, then go make it happen. It will not happen by it’s self because you are a nice guy and wrote a wonderful Book . . . you have to let the people know about it. Happy Hunting
In the end, understand that NO ONE can promote YOU like YOU !!! Do not depend on your Publisher, your friends or anyone else to put in the committed effort to making you a success. If you are looking for someone to do this for you, consider employing an Agent or a Personal Publicist. It is your Product, your Creative Property, your Life and your decision as to how much personal effort you are willing to invest in your success. Only you have the vested long term interest !
In : Book Marketing
Tags: book sales writers marketing book signings amazon sales writing publishing inner child inner child press money success best seller