The Business of Books

August 16, 2011

 The Business of Books


So now you are in business for yourself ? Yes, you are now a Published Author, and that is exactly what it is, Business !


All too often, newly Published Authors are of the misconception that their work is completed once they get their book in their hand. WAKE UP CALL !!!! Trust me . . . the work has just begun.


Speak with any successful Author, and they will have more testimony than we wish to hear, about the Hardships, Trials, Tribulations and the Sacrifices that go along with “Success”. Many new Authors get stuck on their achievement of finally getting Published and their zeal is compromised. Yes . . . it “IS” a “MAJOR” achievement. WELCOME to the 1% Club of Writers. But if you are vying for more than a collection of your offerings to be utilized as Christmas and Birthday Gifts, Door Stops, Book Ends and Paper Weights, it is time for you to get an education and finite understanding as to what will assist you making the transition towards “Success”.


I have in the past written a few Articles that address many facets of getting prepared for this moment. There is nothing quite like experiencing the potential let down when you awaken and realize that people, including Family and Friends are not kicking down your door or FaceBook Page to get your book . . . Surprise!!!!


The process of being a productive and functionally “Selling” Author is WORK !!!


You will hear all the promises of “Next Week” or “when I get paid” . . .  you might even experience hearing “Blatant Lies” and a myriad of other excuses. Use this as the fuel for your fire. To become somewhat successful does require a heightened level of “Drive”, “Enthusiasm”, “Action” and “Determination”. I call this the “D.E.A.D.” Principle . . .  yes . . .I must die to all that I thought I knew about this process and “Re-Create” my “Self” into that persona I desire to be. I must not allow any thing or anyone to deter me from what it is I seek to accomplish. I will listen to every “No” and constantly and consistently seek other avenues of expression to let



people know I have said what I have come to say . . . I Am Published, and I have a Book for sale and I want you to buy it . . . NOW !


Trust me . .  you will be confronted with a significant amount of Indifference, Patronization and “No” . . .  but the truth of the matter simply is, your results will mirror your Zeal, Diligence, Efforts and Marketing Creativity.


Finally . . . Remember This, You are your best Agent and Ambassador . . . and “Every Time you hear a “NO” you are getting closer to a “YES”. . . 


Happy Hunting






‘just bill’ aka William S. Peters, Sr. is the Founder and Managing Director of Inner Child Enterprises. He is not only a Writer and Author, but also a Radio Talk Show Producer and Host, Publisher, Public Speaker and Executive for a Privately held Music Production Concern, Magazine and Newspaper, amongst many other things.



To learn more about ‘just bill’ and Inner Child visit the following Sites . . .


Publishing :  

Inner Child :

Social Site : 

Personal :    




Pre-Publishing Tips : So you are writing a Book ?

August 3, 2011

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You and your Book

August 3, 2011

You and your Book

The natural proclivity to Authoring a Book is to share your writing and be read by a broader audience. This can be achieved in a few ways. You can Sell your Books, Give them away or a combination of the two. The latter is usually the path most authors feel compelled to travel.

Most of us Publish with subverted aspirations to sell a lot of books. Somewhere along...

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It is more than Publishing

August 3, 2011

It is more than Publishing

When i consult with Writers and potential Authors, one of the very first aspects of communication i discuss is that of “Vision”. I believe, that we as writers are perhaps a special breed of Artist, as are all Artists, whether your medium is Graphic, Sculpting, Music or Word.

In our discussion,, i ask questions. The reason being is it is integral...

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Why should I Publish ?

August 3, 2011

Why should I Publish ?

If you are not Published, you will not understand what I say to you that holding your own Book in your hand is an indescribable feeling. Don’t believe me . . .  ask a Published Writer . . .  we call them Authors !!!!

If you are considering Publishing, there are a few things you should know. Most prospective Authors have probably considered the journey ...

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Poetry Meters

August 3, 2011

Poetry Meters



The arrangement of a line of poetry by the number of syllables and accented (or stressed) syllables.  (Examples of different line meters below)



Two or more syllables that together make up the smallest unit of meter count.  

Example for 1 metrical foot: I sing
Example for 2 metrical fe...

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Styles of Poetry

August 3, 2011

Styles of Poetry



First Letter in Lines Spell a word.



unrhymed iambic pentameter

Iambic refers to a metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.  (Example:  ”I’d love to sing a s...

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Type of Rhymes

August 3, 2011

Type of Rhymes



this is where one rhyming word or words matches up with a piece of another.
Examples: eat, meeting – proposal, suppose – lover, coverlet – deception, exceptional – shall win, palindrome – versatility – perverse humility



A rhyme scheme in which a rhym...

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Poetry Line Terms

August 3, 2011

Poetry Line Terms



A group of lines in a Poem

Couplet – A two line Stanza
Tercet – Three Line Stanza
Quatrain – Four line Stanza
Quintain – Five line Stanza
Sestet – Six line stanza
Heptastich – Seven line stanza
Octave – Eight line stanza



A stanza, line, part of...

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from the Press

This Blog is a collection of Articles focused on the Craft of Writing. We will focus on Information, Resources, Education and other aspects pertaining the Craft and the Industry of Writing and Publishing.