Dear Author,


Are you employing all the known possibilities and resources you have at your fingertip[s to get the notoriety your Cherished Work deserves ? Are you sitting, waiting for that “Knock on the Door”; “Phone Call” or “E Mail” informing you that you have won the Publisher Clearing House Free trip to Wealth and Fame ? . .  .Yeah, me too. But in the mean time perhaps we can assist the World in coming to understand and accept that we have something to Say and Share with them. Here are some of the things we can do.



1          Write a Press Release :


In the writing of your Press Release you should be clear about your work and why you feel so committed to sharing it with the world. You need to clearly establish the benefits to the prospective Buyer and Reader. Also . . .  DO NOT FORGET to inform the Readers as to where they may purchase your Book with a Direct Link to the “Point of Purchase”. People these days are seeking “Instant Gratification”. If you send them on a wild goose chase as so many Authors do, they will become easily Bored or Frustrated and dismiss you. Too many Authors are informing people “You can find me on Amazon” . . . Wake Up Call . . .  i am not going to go to AMAZON to look for you !



2          Establish an Empowerment Network


Selling Books is the Commercial Arm of our Artistic Expression, TREAT IT AS SUCH !

Like any SUCCESSFUL Business, there are Owners and Employees. In Corporate America, very often there are a Board of Directors. Think Successfully. Structure your Product / Marketing Campaign around these fundamental Principles of a Successful Enterprise. When i was involved in Corporate America Finance, we were very well developed. There was a definitive Hierarchal Structure, and each level of the Marketing Team had it’s own duties. There were Salespersons, Middle Management and Upper Management personnel. There is a very significant and empowering dynamic that synergistically comes about when there are People playi9ng with One Team Vision . . .TO WIN. Who is on your Team ? Very often in Corporate America, a Board of Directors is comprised of persons from a variety of backgrounds and Industry. This allows you to tap into their insights and additionally lends to you their resources. In Finance we called them in “Centers Of Influence”. For and Author, they can be Business Owners, Bankers, Teachers, Janitors, librarians as well as Web Site Owners, Bloggers and other Authors as well. Do not surround your self with just like minded individuals, for you DO LIMIT your possibilities. Try Something Fresh. Do not be afraid to take chances in the unknown territories. Be inventive.


3          Readings and Appearances


I have said this time and time again. Make your self available wherever you can. If you do not pursue notoriety, who will know of you ? I once had an Author who did an appearance on a Saturday at his local Supermarket. In the space of a few hours sold 20 books or so. Also consider the depth of people that are now connected. I also remember being in New York City on the Subway. An Author boarded the Train with a rolling suitcase and between stops in the space of about 5 minutes sold about a dozen of his books because he had the audacity to put aside his fear and tell the people on the Subway his story. I purchased a book, which to this day I have never read.



In conclusion


The main thing i would like to leave you with is this. It is not a chore if you are having fun with it. Create the mental picture of this and then go about enjoying sharing your wonderful Self and your Book with the World . ..  they need it don’t they ?



Resource Links :



William S. Peters, Sr.


Inner Child Press